Monday, April 14, 2008


New thread.


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MITS said...

they are good mommy and live feed has been up and playing just fine for almost 6 hours....wood, knocking....

paula eagleholic said...

The first thing Lib brought back had to be plucked or de-furred. You should have seen the kids when Belle started working on it! They all backed up and stared, like in disbelief! Their heads would go back each time she pulled on the prey.

Mema Jo said...

What I saw DEB was very good.
As I said I loved the Tug Of War.

I think Pearl is in the background & I think she is constipated. I keep seeing the Poop Shoot position & nothing shooting........

paula eagleholic said...

She didn't offer any of it and the kids didn't look like they wanted any of it either!

I am still watching the rewind...the second time he came back, it was a nice fish! She snatched that puppy up in a heartbeat!

OMG, it flopped around...

Mema Jo said...

WHOA Back Up Jack!!!

Mema Jo said...

I think Lib landed on Pearl's head

Was that a long skinny one.........

paula eagleholic said...

What did you see Jo?

Mema Jo said...

Paula On the rewind - let us know what it looks like Lib brought in this last time........

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, got it still taping

paula eagleholic said...

I saw pearl do a poop shoot, Jo

MITS said...

roflmbo, just with the description of what I missed

paula eagleholic said...

He didn't land on Pearl

That was a quick in and out. I think whatever is was was wiggling

paula eagleholic said...

Can't see what it is when she's standing on it...wish video was a little clearer today

glo said...

LOL well thanks for the chuckle. In addition to feedings and our cute little antics with poops shoots we can now add constipation to the list of things to watch for and worry about LOL

I am still chuckling but I am totally stressed today so I need the chuckle.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, we may never know! Belle's eating it! I'm thinking a fish from the quick peek I got of it and she's eating it.

paula eagleholic said...

That was like 3 food deliveries in 15-20 minutes?

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad to hear that Lib didn't land on Pearl & also very relieved to know
Pearl had a Poop Shoot!
What would we do without the rewind?? lol

paula eagleholic said...

Guess he can take the rest of the day off!

paula eagleholic said...

Aaahhh, the kids are full and are sacked out again.

Mema Jo said...

Lib may have a secret cache of food very near by! Let's say we know he didn't go to the river in that short of time!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, the sun going behind a cloud makes a world of difference in the video...

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, the river is only 1/2 mile from the nest...wouldn't be that hard...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Glo! Hope your evening proves less
stressful then you day has been!

Belle sure is looking upward

I guess it is Lib up above..

paula eagleholic said...

She's on the lookout again...great so up close to the cam

paula eagleholic said...

NOw Belle's taking a nap! Standing at 6, nope, she's awake

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, head back in...she's not preening.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe Lib is up there being the lookout.

paula eagleholic said...

Woke up, looked around, head back in...quick naps.

MITS said...

woke her up as he came in

deb said...

Good heavens, is he expecting a food shortage, another delivery!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to think about dinner food..... Safe journey home Paula


MITS said...

another fish...

glo said...

It must be Thanksgiving at the Sycamore tree. I sure am glad no one is constipated.

MITS said...

this looked like an appetizer, Deb

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

My boys say sushi is great if you are constipated!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, look at Belle sitting with all those fish!

MITS said...

maybe they are having company for dinner

deb said...

Eagle in OR is getting snowed on again.

paula eagleholic said...

2 big yawns from Belle - think she needs another nap

Heading home, see ya'll later.

NatureNut said...

Been out since about 1PM & noticed before I left and now that my live cam is doing 10 or less second refreshes!
I'm NOT complaining. It says Playing & it is, but w/jerky stops & starts?! Strange.

MITS said...

feeding time at the nest

wvgal_dana said...

Hello again

I think what they didn't eat Belle is finishing.

Loved the comments lol

wvgal_dana said...

awwww live feed is working great ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I see the egg and the surviving chick at BC. Hope that egg hatches.

MITS said...

I can only see the eagle at BC

wvgal_dana said...

Boy are chicks are big....when it's been awhile since you seen them. It is hard to believe how big they have gotten. Even Tiny doesn't look so tiny lol

deb said...

Eagle at Kent. I tried to tell you when he/she was down in the nest, so you could tell how big the nest must be getting, but I missed it.

MITS said...

that is wonderful news, Deb

deb said...

I wish they would have started earlier, I can't see how they could build the nest and lay eggs this year, but it is still snowing in OR. I figure that means there is still time. Who knows, only time will tell.

MITS said...

yep, time will tell.

Lolly said...

feeding of eaglets in CO.

MITS said...

eagle at KENT 2

MITS said...

Parent has not been in nest for along time, wonder if they will sleep alone, I'm thinking still a little to cold

MITS said...

is that Pearl laying on Tiny pecking her/him?

MITS said...


MITS said...

JUST PRACTICING MY TINY URL. HOPE IT WORKS, it is for the kiwi cam at the NZ, also is a nice video of its hatching on March 7th....if this does not work I give up!!!

deb said...

Congrats, it worked!!

MITS said...

cool it worked, kiwi's are nocturnal, so you can usually see it after 6 at night, it is there now

MITS said...

off to fix dinner.

MITS said...

and watch Little People

deb said...

That little Kiwi doesn't stop, round and round it goes!

Incoming our nest.

deb said...

I am off for Dancing with the stars.

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO! Mits did a LINK
Way to go!

Mema Jo said...

Looked as though Belle got in between Pearl & Tiny..... I really think that is what I saw happen.... But then I don't know if it is Pearl or Middy that was doing the pecking!!

Mema Jo said...

I had hamburgers on the grill!
Really really delicious.

hedgie said...


Just across the highway off Rustic Tavern. Nice to meet you! Do you have a live feed? I haven't had it up since Thursday!

MITS said...

well started out with hot dogs on grill, grill ran out of gas, hate when that happens, putting that on my list of things I need, right behind new computer, hubby is looking into that for me...

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back, Hedgesville! I am really in MD in Middletown outside of Frederick. My grnddghtr is on Providence Church. My live feed is up/running - pretty good luck with it. Paula had asked how do you access the live feed... through what link. Copy/paste into address line - all one line..........


paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hooo! Way to go Mits!

(big pat on the back!!)

I am watching Dancing w/ the stars, too.

Had to go wash the car, inside and out, was driving me crazy.

paula eagleholic said...

I keep missing Kristi - she must always dance first.

paula eagleholic said...

Hedge - what version of real player are you using?

floralgirl said...

Wow! I've been gone all day and Mits posted a link:) Nice job- just brought up the live feed and it is working fine here. I see some people are still having problems.

Mema Jo said...

CO eaglets have wandered over to the right hand side of the nest. Adult eagle fed them there & is now resting there with them. Almost out of cam range..........

Mema Jo said...

Momma Hummer is off the nest
I really think I see 1 egg & 1
little hummer's beak........

Mema Jo said...

It is too early date wise for the Hummer to have hatched - sure looks
like one
Megan if you get a chance please
look into the Hummers nest for me...

Mema Jo said...

Momma is back! On the nest & probably on two eggs! Too soon to have hatched.... They need about 17 days.......

floralgirl said...

OK-I'll look-

floralgirl said...

Wow- I hadn't looked at the cam since the last babies fledged. Nice close up shot on this nest.

hedgie said...

paula eagleholic,

I am using whatever version the link led me to download!! It worked fine until last week.

hedgie said...

mema jo,

I tried it and it just still keeps loading...loading...loading!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hedges - go to help, then about real player. It will tell you what version. 10.5 or 11 probably

deb said...

Kristi just skated, Paula. Two more to go.

paula eagleholic said...

I think people were having issues with version 11, version 10.5 might work better for you.

Real player download page

You would have to uninstall version 11 and download version 10.5

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, I finally saw her! Just love her ice skating, one of my all time favorites between her and Michelle Kwan.

deb said...

I love her skating, too. I got to see her live 3 times, just beautiful!

deb said...

The heronettes are wiggly little birds.

NatureNut said...

Been away from'puter & Player timed out. When I restarted, it's running FINE!!No more herky jerky!
Mits, you put on a link----congratulations! I love those cute little rascals.

Won't be on here much more tonight--early AM work TU, but I always check back until the bitter end! Gotta watch Finland.
Pleasant eagle dreams to all who sign off :>)

MITS said...

I'm also wating for FINLAND and watching TV

MITS said...

Belle is awake

NatureNut said...

Uh, oh. Looks like kiwi wants out!

MITS said...

nope, put her head back down

deb said...

I just turned on Finland and there is a boat, maybe the ferry.

MITS said...

this kiwi cam is so much better than the one they had when the kiwi was born 2 years ago, up close and personal

deb said...

I finally saw it stop, not for long, but at least it stopped. The web site says it has been active since hatching.

MITS said...

they don't stop for long,,,,like the energizing bunny

movin said...


Gotta finish up some business with the tax man :~(((

Live feed is working sound. :~)))

How do you like my mood swingeys



MITS said...

their "moody" Jim;)

floralgirl said...

That kiwi is manic- I can't watch it, makes me nervous...

Mema Jo said...

Come on Sunrise!

You want to bet that the nest
will be MT when it first comes on????

MITS said...

still have another 45 mins or so til sunrise I think

Mema Jo said...

Oh My I may lose my bet
It may be larger then an Osprey

It could just be a smudge on my

Mema Jo said...

I saw movement in the nest

Mema Jo said...





Mema Jo said...

Lost my bet! The nest isn't MT

MITS said...

you are right Jo, think it might be a sea eagle, it is big

MITS said...

if I turn out the lights and stand up and look down at puter, you can see it, pretty sue it is the eagle, I see the beak too.

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

2 are there, one to the right, the other laying in nest

wvgal_dana said...

I'm here too watching for what is in Finland. ( :

MITS said...

Megan, that is normal behavior for baby kiwi

Mema Jo said...

I think it is the sea eagle also

There just may be one also in the


wvgal_dana said...

Your on the #1 cam right

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana

MITS said...

definitely the sea eagles

Mema Jo said...

He is looking right at us......

MITS said...

wonder if osprey will chase them out when sun comes up

wvgal_dana said...

Your watching Kohde 1 right?

MITS said...

there are 2, one in nest and one on the right side of nest

Mema Jo said...

Yes Dana #1 Cam

MITS said...

yes Dana

wvgal_dana said...

I see a sea eagle

What is in nest?

MITS said...

they look right at home........

MITS said...

both looking east to the sunrise

MITS said...

now looking west

MITS said...

the other sea eagle Dana

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - I only managed to get one really short video on blogger - being a booger today for sure.

MITS said...

both are up

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my the male and I guess the one with the light head is maybe the female?

Mema Jo said...

Do you think they are looking at an egg........??

MITS said...

they are so beautiful

wvgal_dana said...

I am wondering that too Jo

MITS said...

me too, well the osprey are not going to be happy, if that is the case

Mema Jo said...

Hey There That looks like an
egg announcement.. eagle style

MITS said...

might just be eating leftovers

Mema Jo said...

Looks like banded on both legs

One flew off

MITS said...

yep 2 bands

Mema Jo said...

That is one great Wing Fling!!

Getting some great shots....

MITS said...

wanna bet the ospreys fly in after this one leaves

MITS said...

might be trying to fly in now..

Mema Jo said...

Would love to know what is going on around that nest......

MITS said...

oh, shots, I forgot

wvgal_dana said...

There is no refresh on there is there? You just have to wait for it to refresh itself?

Mema Jo said...

Maybe she won't leave the nest unless you say they were just eating
leftovers and not looking at an egg..

There she goes.........

MITS said...

well maybe we will see. sea eagle gone

Mema Jo said...

Suspense is making me be wide awake & it is bed time.......

Who's coming to the nest???

MITS said...

no auto refresh, Dana

Mema Jo said...

Dana F5 does it
Double click bring up closer

wvgal_dana said...

Wow neat next time I'll know to do it with the sea eagles there ty...( :

MITS said...

I do F5, but it still does not refresh til it is ready to

MITS said...

Belle awake

wvgal_dana said...

Wow as much as I've watched Finland. I didn't know the great wisdom my eagle watching friends have shared with me ty ( :

Mema Jo said...

You're kidding me! How many seconds is it? When there was a wingfling I did F5 and it showed her back down.
I just thought it did. Well, that's ok - I have the patience of an eaglet!

paula eagleholic said...

It refreshes by itself sometimes. It's on a 10 second timer

wvgal_dana said...

I just figured out if you click one time on the word Lahikuvaan
left top corner. It also brings it close up....I share with you all now ( :

deb said...

Dang, I was on the phone and missed the sea eagles. I am happy they were there, maybe they will come back.

Paula, I finally got all my videos loaded, but it took forever today!

wvgal_dana said...

I loved the bushy feathers on the head of the one in the nest. Then the feathers straightened out.

MITS said...

it refreshes between 10 and 30 seconds, sometimes longer, I know I have stopped to take a shot and when I look at the pic I took it is the next shot....thanks Dana

paula eagleholic said...

I got one on there Deb, I'm doing the rest thru youtube.

Mema Jo said...

I see that now Dana ty

Deb I was trying to holler for you!
I'll send you some pics later
(tomorrow morning)
Going to see the rest of your shows after I watch the news....

MITS said...

that last refresh was 20 seconds

MITS said...

looks like it goes 20 20 10 20 20

MITS said...

Deb, I was yelling for you

wvgal_dana said...

Everyone ty Paula, Jo, Mits you all have been great eagle watcher friends to me today. ( : Made my life "better"...

Mema Jo said...

DEB It is probably me BUT
I can't get the videos to run.
They say buffering and start & then
get hung up!

Mits - Paula - Dana - Am I the only
one having the problem with Deb's new

wvgal_dana said...

Deb I love you videos I catch yours tomorrow since I've already taken my night time meds. OK ( : ty for doing and sharing those. Another great eagle watcher friend ( :

MITS said...

your welcome, DANA;)

deb said...

I was talking to my aunt in Denver. It is very hard to get her to hang up!

wvgal_dana said...

I'll go check Jo bbiam

deb said...

I am going to check them.

Mema Jo said...

DENVER isn't a kosher word on here
Right Mits! Denver did it!!!

deb said...

They work for me, Jo, but maybe that's because I put them there.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Dana
I'm not far behind you
Don't think I'll wait for the
birds to come home!
Cows - maybe
Birds - No!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I had to click a couple of times Jo but the first one. I did watch about sleep then they started pecking.

deb said...

Ok, how about Aurora, I didn't know if you would know where that was!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm heading for bed I'll watch the rest of Deb's videos tomorrow. Like I said I watched the 1st one. It did work...had to click a couple of times for it to start.
Night all
Sleep Well

NatureNut said...

Dad gummit, I missed the sea eagles. Saw 2 ospreys mating there yesterday,so figured they would claim that nest, but where are they? I'd rather see eagles!

paula eagleholic said...

Now the video i was trying to load and said it didn't is on there twice!

Mema Jo said...

lol Deb Aurora CO

I was joking about Denver - whenever the cam went down last season they said that Denver Did It!
You missed the Finland show because you said Denver Did It!

MITS said...

WORKED TERRIFIC HERE, NO PROBLEMS DEB, THEY WERE REALLY FUNNY.......Yeah, we used to blame Denver last year for all the cam problems, this year we will blame Wheeling, WVA!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Belly laughing!!!
Paula The Poop shoot over the side of the nest was when I thought she couldn't shoot!

deb said...

Sea Eagle!!!

MITS said...

just saw it take off, was watching Paulas' videos, great job, Paula, thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits and Jo. I haven't tried Deb's videos yet, been working on mine. Still waiting for one to be OK'd at Youtube and I'm done.

deb said...

It is amazing how you can watch it happen and laugh all over again when you watch the video. When the chick line up to watch Belle eat is so funny! Thanks, Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

My favorite today is What's for Dinner? when the kids are watching Belle de-fur something!

paula eagleholic said...

WE egg is still in the hatcher - has a hole in the egg!

MITS said...

I know, the looks on the chicks faces are like, oh no, fish again...

paula eagleholic said...

Deb, your clips are great. Love the I want that and tug of war. I missed that today.

MITS said...

well, guess I better pack it in for tonight.....TTYT....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, my videos are done, I am off to bed...links and 2 videos are on

Eaglet Momsters Blog

Mema Jo said...

The videos from both of you have summed up the day at the nest! Thanx!

I'm not hanging around for the SPLIT
Don't you three get lost!

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep!
Prayers for all being said

Hope Suzanne is here in the am

MITS said...

YES, THANKS, PAULA AND DEB, between the 2 of you we don't miss anything..((((hugs))))!

deb said...

Night all, Belle is awake. I am going to look at WE egg, then I am off to bed also.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is awake and was just looking straight up

MITS said...

that's right the SPLIT is COMING:)

paula eagleholic said...

Split is coming!

MITS said...

man we got to do the SPLIT before Suzanne comes in

Mema Jo said...

Better watch out


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...