Thursday, March 27, 2008


Rainy day thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Looks like #2 is trying to butt the pecker out of the way!

Mema Jo said...

Where is the adult looking

wvgal_dana said...

I wonder if Bob went to Blackwater and put fish down on the ground by the nest hee hee

carolinabeachmom said...

Belle will take care of them now.

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone! Looks like lunchtime. Hope Tiny gets a share.

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

you could see the other one fly by before the landing

normabyrd said...

OOH!---It is hard to watch the EAGLETS feeding---with oldest being greedy and appears to be getting the most food----That seems unfair---but it is the survival of the fittest EAGLET!!!----BELLE is attempting to be fair!!!

do we need a long landing pad?

paula eagleholic said...

That wasn't very graceful!

parent arrived and flew to front of nest, then to the back

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Think we have a fresh duck. See feathers a-flying.

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy she is really tearing into the food to get the fur or feathers off. She doesn't fool around.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Naturenut! I do like your panda pics on your blog.......They're our guys.

wvgal_dana said...

That! was definately INCOMING

normabyrd said...

She seems to be having a hard time pulling the meat off!!

wvgal_dana said...

Feathers flying everywhere....

Mema Jo said...

I remember..... SPUNKY used to help
the adult tear the feathers off the bird.... Do you?
Never saw such a hurry up & defeather the bird before! lol

carolinabeachmom said...

Push her bac, push her back, push her waaaaaay back Little Bit. Don't let her get in front of you this time.

wvgal_dana said...

or fur flying everywhere

Mema Jo said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Oh a poop shoot. Getting cleaned out for more food to come in. :)

MITS said...

sounds like she is eating Rice Krispies, snap, crackle, pop!

Mema Jo said...

At BWE - being that the cam refreshes I feel certain that we just miss seeing the food going to the eaglets. A lot can take place in those seconds before refreshing.

MITS said...

ouch, that had to hurt.

wvgal_dana said...

Darn Little Bit had made his way up out of the nest some. Back down trying to stretch that little head. Come on Little Bit ...pecker Pearl leave him alone!! You get your belly full soon I hope then Little Bit will get plenty...

wvgal_dana said...

I have to go dang it....let me know who get fed after Pearl the pecker....and if Little Bit gets any ok later

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to fix my lunch......


normabyrd said...

CANDY!!---You must have been a cheer leader!!---push 'em back---push 'em back---push 'em way back!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh, I don't believe that Piggy Pecking Pearl is up there getting more food, while the others go without. Little Bit is trying again. Maybe some will come her way.

normabyrd said...

I don't think #1 EAGLET is a female----do you all?

Lolly said...

Pecting Pearl has both of the younger ones in submission. That birds a bully!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pearl's gut has got to be stuffed by now.

deb said...

Eagle at Kent 1.

Lolly said...

Middle child is getting a few bites, but everytime she gets a bite, she quickly lowers her head!

normabyrd said...

JILL---Just found your question!!-----FLOODING in central WV---CALHOUN--BRAXTON---GILMER, ETC. ---can't remember them all!!----where are they working on Rt. 50?

paula eagleholic said...

#1 pecker is really being a bully today!

carolinabeachmom said...

I can't believe that I am sitting here and watching the unjustice of this feeding. Finally I just say #2 get a bite. DYea Little Bit finally got a bite too.

deb said...

Little Bit is getting some now.

MITS said...

eagle looks beautiful at KENT

Lolly said...

Okay, I am getting mad! Give that baby a bite!!!!!!

deb said...

Eagle gone from Kent.

normabyrd said...

THANKS DEB!!---Doesn't he/she look REGAL!!!----noticed the snow earlier!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Whack! Poor Tiny just got a wing to the head from middle child!

Mema Jo said...

I heard that
Telling Pecking Pearl to get off his back.........

deb said...

Back at Kent.

Lolly said...

I think Momma is trying to give it to the baby, but Pearl keeps jumping up there!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Remember! We are watching an uncensored view of nature!

deb said...

You could see the eggs at CO. I had to change can to could. I wasn't fast enough.

floralgirl said...

Yes, see that, Tiny will get his, don't worry:) He just waits for a while, laying back to avoid the fighting at first, then he makes his move for food after their bellies have gotten a little full.

MITS said...

Making me hungry off to get some lunch...bbialw

Mema Jo said...

The length of time for a feeding to get all 3 bellies filled is when Belle starts to think like
"Why didn't I stop with egg #2"

Lolly said...

Good one Jo! lol

Mema Jo said...

Norma - I do think that #1 is a female

TeenyWeeny is doing ok getting the food. Yeah!
Wondering when Middy will get in on it.

NatureNut said...

Poop shot!

Mema Jo said...

That's all kids!
Whoa! Don't need that branch on my back.........Crib rail?

Mema Jo said...



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, could somebody start sensoring it for us wienies! :)

Lolly said...

I was gone for a while, scanned the blogs really quickly....sounds like our BW babies got fed well this morning?!! Right???

carolinabeachmom said...

i just got back from fixing myself a tuna fish salad sandwich for lunch. Got hungry watching the chicks eating. Pray tell how did the parent get all those chicks under her at once? Wonders will never cease. I guess they were so full, they dropped into the egg cup and fell faaaasssst asleep. :)

deb said...

I just went and sprinkled bird feed under the feeders. There are so many birds out there, they are having troubles getting to the feeders. Now maybe the black birds won't scare off the little birds.

deb said...

Lolly, it sure looked like they got fed this morning. We think more than one time. It is hard to tell on the 30 second refresh.

deb said...

Maine female eagle is on the nest. (at least they are pretty sure it is the female)

Lolly said...

Those heads sure popped up fast! No adults on nest. Heads back down asleep!

Lolly said...

Ok, Moms gone let's fight!

MITS said...

both parents at BWE

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess I am going to have to go to that sycamore tree and teach Pecking Pearl some manners.

carolinabeachmom said...

Both parents were just at BWE; now only one.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nice poop shoot just now by Pearl.

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like a feeding. :) There might be hope for those parents yet.

MITS said...

parent is eating leftovers at BW

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey MITS What did the new parent just bring into the nest. Is that part of a fish or what?

NatureNut said...

Beautiful pic of both parents at BWE.

carolinabeachmom said...

BWE I mean. Now the parent on left is covering it up.

deb said...

There talons are already so big at BWE. I saw that, too, Candy, but couldn't tell what it was. Looks like Chick is coming for food.

MITS said...

looks like both parents eating the leftovers from this a.m., was not watching a minute ago

carolinabeachmom said...

It must be food as the other chick is coming over to parent and other chick. :):)

MITS said...

one chick looks like it is being fed BW

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS There is something underneath the eagle on the left; looked like part of a fish he brought in.

MITS said...

That is the exact spot some leftovers have been in since this a.m., if something was just brought in it is tinier than this a.m.'s bounty

carolinabeachmom said...

It wasn't there a minute ago before the fly in. It looked like a flat headless greenish fish. Who knows. We can hope for the best.

MITS said...

off to watch Tai Shan for awile, he is running all over the yard

deb said...

I agree,Candy, it was bigger than the leftovers from this morning. I wish I would have looked sooner.

MITS said...

well, I guess she ate it all, because I only see the MT space where the leftovers were, but I guess my eyes aren't as good.

deb said...

Now we can see what is left of dinner.

deb said...

Ok, I can't tell if it is leftovers or new. Looks a lot like the fish in Lisa's picture from this morning.

MITS said...

at least the parents have been more visible today.

carolinabeachmom said...

Right Mits, they sure have.

MITS said...

finally got over to see all the falcons and hawk nests on the NBG site

deb said...

I just looked at the PA falcon. It is in the nest and looking at the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Both eagles at Maine nest, eating!

paula eagleholic said...

Dad off and on and off the Maine nest....chasing something away?

paula eagleholic said...

and on and off again in Maine....Mom sure is enjoying the meal

OUr chiklets are snoozing

paula eagleholic said...

Parent back our nest

NatureNut said...

Looks like no one's really hungry--too sleepy.
Tiny did a poop shoot!

paula eagleholic said...

Big ol Poop shoot by teeny

NatureNut said...

A little nibbling going on now.

paula eagleholic said...

Look at the full crop on the BWE chick!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks have finally woken up for a feeding...

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at BWE - can barely see their head

paula eagleholic said...

Middle chick say Yuk! I don't like what's for lunch today!

paula eagleholic said...

Then he takes a bite!

wvgal_dana said...

Got back in time to see Tiny just got 2 bites. Oh Boy More please///

wvgal_dana said...

Poop shoot by #2 chick

deb said...

I go do dishes and missed the Poop Festival!

wvgal_dana said...

Boombs away

wvgal_dana said...

It has mostly been all Tiny eating for the last few minutes. He is really chomping it down. hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Even Tiny quit and they are full bellies and down for a nap....Mom is cleaning the nest bowl up.

paula eagleholic said...

Did you see those fat little eaglets topple over? Too funny!

deb said...

The University of SD women play in the NCAA Division II Final Four tonight. They play Delta State, the number one seed. I am not normally a USD fan, but it is in my town, so tonight I will be one.

Three eggs at the PA falcon cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Mom laying in the nest bowl at Maine

deb said...

The falcon went right back on the eggs, darn. No time to let everyone know, so you could see them.

deb said...

I just notice my cam was about 8 minutes behind, eggs are visible.

NatureNut said...

Mom up, up & away. Naptime for bobbles.

NatureNut said...

Checked BWO awhile ago & eagle was on osprey platform & saw the pic of owl there last night. No wonder ospreys don't want to build a nest!

deb said...

Dad flew into the Maine nest with another stick, Mom moved up to a branch to get out of the way.

neweaglewatcher said...

Sorry to sound silly, but I've been trying to figure this out. Can someone tell me what BWE stands for?

Danelle said...

Good afternoon ya'll! Just now getting online, and it's about time for me to head home! How's everyone doing?

deb said...

Not silly at all. We call the eagles nest. BWE for Blackwater eagle and the osprey nest BWO for Blackwater osprey.

deb said...

It is going good, Danelle. Everyone is fed and resting. Even the Blackwater eaglets have been fed quite a few times today! Maine eagles are spending a lot of time in the nest today, maybe thinking of laying an egg soon!

NatureNut said...

Hi, New Watcher!! Welcome. BWE stands for Blackwater Eagle cam. You'll also see BWO, Blackwater Osprey cam. They are at Cambridge, MD, on the Eastern Shore.
You can access by typing in Friends of Blackwater NWR, I think.

neweaglewatcher said...

Thanks for the explanations. I assumed everyone was watching the same place I am, which is in Shepherdstown.

Danelle said...

Thanks for the update Deb. I appreciate it!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

NEW - we watch all the nests! Of course, NCTC we watch the most...but keep our eyes on all of them

Danelle said...

Time to go home. Talk to ya'll tomorrow!

neweaglewatcher said...

I understand. I'm at work and it's a slow day today, so I've been watching alot. Tomorrow will be a different story unfortunately. I think I'm hooked on the eagles!

deb said...

It isn't hard to get hooked on the eagles, then all of a sudden you are watching ospreys and owls and falcons!!

wvgal_dana said...

See you from home Danelle.

Neweaglewatcher I'll call you New also if that is ok. Don't worry about asking questions around here. I fixed everyone when I started watching cause I have already ask all the dumb questions lol So none of yours are dumb ( : Just ask away...

New are you near Shepherdstown? Don't tell your exact address on here. People watch and read from all over.

neweaglewatcher said...

I'm in Martinsburg. Thanks for understanding 'cuz I'll probably have more questions before I get the hang of this.

wvgal_dana said...

I am from the Spring Mills area....flying time for Belle and LIberty from their nest for them is 10 minutes. I don't have wings so it takes me longer to get to their nest hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of our Eaglet_Momsters are from the Martinsburg area.

wvgal_dana said...

Although I would say more are from other areas of WV and other states. Plus even from the UK. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

We have one even from Israel yep we do ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I see chicks moving out from the front of Mom/Dad I think Mom some. lol

neweaglewatcher said...

How cool! I live in the Spring Mills area also. Working in Martinsburg. I am shocked there are people on here from so far. Also, surprised I never knew this existed until a couple days ago when someone wrote in the journal about it.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent eagle just flew into Tesoro must have brought food. Cause Tess and Oro are going after the talcons.

neweaglewatcher said...

That was gonna be my next question. How do you know if it's Mom or Dad at the nest? Is there a way to tell the difference?

Mema Jo said...

Hi New- I've returned!
When you get a chance bring up - It will totally blow your mind as to just how many different sites are availabe. Like Dana said - ask away. Next get together at NCTC we'll hope to see you since you are close by!

wvgal_dana said...

On one of our get togethers one of the gals from Illinois stayed in the Economy Lodge and on another visit one of the gals from California stayed there.

Mema Jo said...

New - To which journal are you referring. The Martinsburg or Shepherdstown..... We can sometimes bring them up online..Would love to
see the article

wvgal_dana said...

Jo there is a section in the Martinsburg Journal. Where people can call in and have written their ideas and thoughts about things. It is call the "Journal Junction" section.
I must have missed reading it New because I try to read that section. Must have been good though for you to look up the site here.

neweaglewatcher said...

I was reading the Martinsburg Journal, but it wasn't an article. someone just wrote in the "journal junction" recommending this website. so I checked it out and was really impressed. Just didn't know this existed so close to home.

neweaglewatcher said...

Sure wish I had time to do this more often, but today has been a rare day. I may not be back for a while. Plus, the boss may not appreciate it.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - maybe this is the article that Bob (the paddler on the Potomac) was telling us about.

Mema Jo said...

Be sure to join us whenever you can.

Mema Jo said...

I wish Steve would look in on us and
start a new thread. This one is slowing down a good deal.

neweaglewatcher said...

I think it was in yesterday or Tuesdays paper. I don't remember. It's not too often that people write in positive things to the journal junction, so it kinda stands out when someone says something nice.

deb said...

Welcome, New, I am a watcher from South Dakota! I just started watching eagle cams last summer and joined in this group last year in the fall.

neweaglewatcher said...

Well, thanks everyone for your hospitality! I am signing off, as my work day is over. I would love to bring the eaglecam up on my home computer if I have time (home life is much busier than work). I think my son would really enjoy watching this. Hope to be back soon!

deb said...

A new message from Lisa at BWE. There are more pictures, too.

Thursday was a red-letter day. Quite a few fish deliveries, and both parents helping to feed the chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to see the parents around a lot at BWE today....

Heading home catch ya later!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo no that wouldn't be what Bob was talking about writing. This is just a place for people to complain A LOT and then there is some smart people that call in nice remarks. They keep it short very short. No names just area you are calling from.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok New is was nice meeting you and hope to see you join in with us again....

Mema Jo said...

I read some of the past Journal Junction remarks.. I understand what you mean about the column.

deb said...

I just opened up the Maine nest and there are imprints in the snow. I wonder if the eagles have been there.

Mema Jo said...

I just had a very unexpected pleasant phone call! Sandra called!
Yes, she does have the live feed up and also is watching some of the other sites. She sounded just wonderful. She has therapy over at the hospital - Tom takes her over.
She said to tell everyone Hello and how thankful she is for us keeping her in our thoughts & prayers

MITS said...

DEB, think someone mentioned both eagles had been there sometime this afternoon

Mema Jo said...

Those BW eaglets are being fed again.
I love the little pine twig in the nest with them...

MITS said...

that is great, Jo......

MITS said...

soooooo relieved to see that;):)

deb said...

That is great news, Jo, that Sandy is feeling better.

I thought it looked like impressions in the snow at Oregon. It was supposed to quit snowing here around noon, wonder when it really will quit. At least the ground is warm enough that it is mostly melting on the streets and sidewalks.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Jo "sweet words to my ears" hee hee HELLO Sweet SANDRA ( :

MITS said...

I'm sorry Deb, thought you were talking about the Maine nest....duh!!!

MITS said...

ok just looked back and you did mention prints at Maine nest, Deb

wvgal_dana said...


MITS said...

lazy lumps don't want to get up to eat.

wvgal_dana said...

I think our parent eagle is asleep on its feet.

deb said...

I guess I have the Maine nest on my mind, hoping they lay an egg soon!

MITS said...

ok Dana, I see the parent feeding the chicks, what do you see???

MITS said...

just saw my 1st poop shoot from #2

deb said...

I see feeding also.

MITS said...

little one just woke up...

deb said...

Both eagles have been in Oregon nest, I found these pictures at the Maine Forum:

Oregon nest

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here........ BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits I had sound but chicks were asleep in bowl and parent was asleep on feet....I restarted I see feeding now lol ty

MITS said...

have had to restart my today, again too.....

MITS said...

thanks, Deb:)

MITS said...

release the hounds!!!!! dogs in the background barking

MITS said...

well how cute would that pic be...tiny with his arms over both chicks

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for your comments Deb & Mits
I restarted mine and it's ok now
Thought I was having slow motion coverage...

3 little snoozers

Lolly said...

Jo, I have had to restart media player frequently. It freezes up!

Mauley said...

Oh, Jo, a telephone call from our Sandy Shaw. I miss her. Hello Sandy. Huggs donna

MITS said...

Hello Miss Donna, the BW chicks are doing better today:)......Lolly mine freezes alot too

IrisF said...

Thanks Steven and Techs for getting the refreshing cam up again! We really appreciate it and I know Suzanne especially will be glad to see it tomorrow morning!!!

Is anyone else having a problem with getting the sound? Other files play OK on Real Player, but I can no longer hear our nest...:(

wvgal_dana said...

Is Shaw and Osbourn the same person?

MITS said...

Iris make sure the button on your real paler is tuned on....someone else was having that problem recently

MITS said...

that's player, not paler

Lolly said...

Mits....The freezing up started about the time we got sound....I AM NOT complaining. I love my live feed, and I love the sound. :) I am sorry you have the problem too, but happy to know it is not my computer.

Lolly said...

It is warm here today. I have the house open. Can not tell if it is sound of birds on the computer or outside! lol

MITS said...

same thing here, Lolly.....

Lolly said...

I would love to be outside working in the yard, but I am not feeling well. Caught something from my husband! YUK!

Mema Jo said...

Love it on the live feed when the eagle finally moves its head!!!
I have been having some sound problems also - but then I haven't mentioned it because you all know I am deft!
Thanks Steve - So glad the 30sec refresh cam was fixable - I know others depend on it!

Shaw is Osbourn is Sandra..... She hasn't used the Shaw sign in for some time.

Mema Jo said...

In about 6 more comments there is
going to be another SPLIT... Then we will be the NEWEST and have to go back to the OLDEST to see the comments from this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds and view at our nest this evening are wonderful!

Lolly said...

I have been watch PH closely since the eggs should be hatching soon. Is is dark all the time for everyone else? Wonder why?

MITS said...

I have a loud hum in my RP....

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the heads up on the 30 second cam...last I checked it was still down, glad to see it working.

I have had to restart once or twice today also...usually runs without any problems here...thought it was me! Sounds like it was they way for everyone today.

Lolly said...

Wind is picking up!!

deb said...

I have a hum, too, but he picture is great!

paula eagleholic said...

It's still not on it's 30 second beat, but I guess it's better than nothing...wonder what the issue is there?

I know Steve is trying to get it fixed...

paula eagleholic said...

I have a hum too, but also birdies singing!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...